Thursday, November 4, 2010


Okay, here I am at ground zero. I haven't blogged since way-back-Wednesday of 2004 when was still around. Forgive my rusty penmanship, it's just been a while. In any case, I thought I'd like to start off this introductory blog with what's going on in life. Thus far, I'm just doing the same ol' thing since this past spring: working and going to school. Nothing new there. However, work is not too bad these days now that football season is in session. It's always fun watching people get drunk and then tip a lot 'cause they are drunk and also because it's an overall good vibe when you mix food, beer, and sports. hah. It makes me wonder at times when I'm behind the counter/register what it'd be like to be a regular at a sports bar, someone who comes in every other day or so and gets the mad hook-ups with free food or beer or both. I suppose it's my overactive imagination running wild and interpreting that lifestyle with a type of romanticism that I've yet to understand why it'd be cool to have. Living a life like that.. I mean, c'mon, food, beer, and sports?! I know that's cool and everything but there is definitely more to life than just that. As with the school scene, it's getting a bit tougher but I just gotta stay focused on getting ze good grades. Speaking of which, I have a mad exam tomorrow. lol. I must wake up early to stuuuddyyy and get my new tags for my little Saturn! w00t! I'll finally be able to roam the streets in my own car again!! I suppose I should get off this thing now, I've expressed myself enough for one night. And besides, I think this little blog thing is going to be fun throughout my days..